Could have been great
28 March 2024
If they developed it a bit more. A lot more, actually. It feels like a short movie's being stretched to a full length feature.

First 30 minutes is basically an intro and you can easily cut it down to 10. Then we get a glimpse of what could have been cause Daisy is great, Dave is great and together they're great. Unfortunately they're just not getting enough screen time. Instead we're getting tons of random shots of city, nature and everything in between. And then after all that the director just dumps the ending and the message. Cause it was time to wrap the movie up, I guess.

It also filmed in that terrible modern "indie" style with 1.33:1 ratio and percussion soundtrack that just sucks any resemblance of life out of the picture.

The result is dull and lifeless. What a shame.
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